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Old 12-10-2009, 08:13 AM   #319
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Re: The traditional diet of Greece and cancer.

The whole paper is free on the Web

Dietary fatty acids regulate the activation status of Her-2/neu (c-erbB-2) oncogene in breast cancer cells

"This report shows, to the best of our knowledge for the first time, that dietary FAs previously characterized for either their breast cancer protective effect (ALA, EPA, DHA and OA) or its tumoricidal actions (GLA) significantly downregulate Her-2/neu ECD concentration and, consequently, the activation status of Her-2/neu in SK-Br3 and BT-474 human breast cancer cell lines, which contain Her-2/neu oncogene amplification. Remarkably, LA, a {omega}-6 FA with a strong tumorigenesis stimulating effect, significantly increased Her-2/neu ECD concentration. Our current results using human breast cancer cell lines are in concordance with our previous findings demonstrating that dietary lipids influence DMBA-induced experimental mammary tumorigenesis in female rats though modulation of Her-2/neu expression [11Go]. Although much remains to be learned about the ultimate molecular mechanisms of FAs in relation to Her-2/neu, the recent characterization of a molecular link between Her-2/neu and the proinflammatory prostaglandin biosynthesis catalyzed by the enzyme cyclooxigenase-2 (COX-2) suggest an original working model in which dietary FAs would regulate either the expression and/or the activation status of Her-2/neu oncogene via COX-2 [12Go–15Go]. Nonetheless, it is reasonable to suggest that some types of dietary FAs not only represent promising therapies for prevention and/or management of Her-2/neu-overexpressing breast carcinomas, but also may be even more beneficial when given in combination with novel therapies directed against Her-2/neu. We are currently investigating whether these findings will be helpful in the design of novel approaches to delay or prevent trastuzumab (HerceptinTM) resistance."
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