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Old 11-03-2009, 08:40 AM   #6
Posts: n/a
Red face Re: Feeling confused & Sad today.. but happy for replies

thanks for the responses... just knowing other are our there and will talk is great!

My mom's specific type of BC is called "mucinous carcinoma" and like I said it on the OUTSIDE so it is visible to her - which is good and bad, she can physically see the meds working on the tumors but then can also see when new growths appear.

In answer to one of the earlier posts: mom has no insurance (and no job) so we are going through a wonderful place called "gateway to hope" and they are paying for all of her medical treatments through donations and other charitable organizations... they have truely been a godsend!
I suppose that is why we have been reluctant to try and go see another oncologist - b/c everything is "set up" through Gateway to Hope, hope that makes sense. We did see my regular physician (mom did not have one), a breast surgeon, and now 2 oncologists in the same practice where she is going... based on her initial biopsy (on the left breast) it is BC and mom could visually see the tumors spreading from the left to rt breast b/c it is on her skin... maybe that is why they did not re-biopsy the rt breast.

I will try to get some more statistics from mom or maybe a copy of her medical diagnosis so I can post that too!

Told her to call her Dr. today to report the few new bumps, pain and itching she is experiencing...she is very reluctant to do so b/c is afraid they will take her off the Xeloda which seems to be working well on the old tumors - the ones from June are all dried up and have turned whitish/gray.
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