Thread: Update: bad
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Old 11-01-2009, 07:26 PM   #13
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Re: Update: bad

Hi Rich,

Yes it is amazing how everyone reacts different to the same treatment in many ways including the side effects.

As far as the Pet / CT of my liver. We had decided to go that route instead of CTs due to the number of tumors and the lack of ability to tell what was "live" or active. Anyway, everything looked good on the PET CT but then within 2 weeks my bili started rising at about a point per day. It turned out that I had a large lymph node closing the liver bial duct. I would have thought that it would have shown up on the Pet / Ct but it didn't. Anyway since then we use the CT and then the Pet is a back-up plan.

I hope that your Mom is feeling okay and that you get the answers you need soon.

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