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Old 08-18-2009, 09:06 AM   #42
Ted_Hutchinson's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 15
Re: A must watch - Risk Breast cancer and vitamin D 50-80% risk reduction

People with cancer are a vulnerable group when it comes to any therapies, conventional and otherwise.
Which is one of the reasons why when we are considering a supplement to current treatment options that MAY be helpful but where more research still needs doing it's important that value for money is an issue and the annual cost of a suggestion has to be taken into account.
What is cheaper than a $40 25(OH)D test + $14.98 yearly supplement cost?

The discussion in the diabetes forum is a good example of why it is so important to be very up front about even the smallest implication that one's perspective has any bias at all.
I don't agree with you here if we pander to bullies they will continue to bully.
I tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
I try to help people where I can.
I have surplus fruit/veg in the garden at the moment, I pick it and put it in bags for passersby to take. I leave a donations box. Does this mean that as I get a trivial hypothetical income from fruit and veg I'm obliged to preface any comment I make about the health benefits of fruit and veg that I get a trivial income from their so called "sale"

No, I think that would be ludicrous and in the same way I think anyone who thinks you can make an income from telling people where the cheapest source of Vitamin D is to be found is nothing but a fool.
I don't think it is helpful to suffer fools kindly.

Providing others with helpful info about inexpensive sources certainly has its good points, but it has to be consistently very carefully done to avoid confusion and distraction from the very reason for posting the information about something like vitamin D in the first place.
But if that means giving in the mindless fools who are more intent on point scoring and who are so ethically challenged as to not be aware of the consequences of their actions then I disagree.
I don't like spam any more than anyone else here does.
But if some people aren't sufficiently intelligent to distinguish between evidence based scientific information and spam then that's their problem.
I don't see why they should be allowed to spoil it for others.
I only post at sites where the best interests of the readers come first.
If mentioning the world's cheapest source of vitamin D3 where it is relevant disqualifies me from making further posts here that's your loss not mine.
I have plenty of better things to do with my time that waste it talking to fools.

I hope everyone will keep looking at vitamin D supplementation as a very real consideration.

Indeed so do I.
But if you think I care on jot where you buy your vitamin D3 you are sadly mistaken.
If you want to cut your nose to spite your face then more fool you.
If you want to stop other people finding out where the cheapest source of D3 is to be found then shame on you.
I want no part of it.
Either you are wholeheartedly on the side of people with chronic conditions or you are against them. There really is no half way house.
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