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Old 07-15-2009, 09:01 PM   #125
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Location: Minnesota
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AbbyDawg -
Is cow-tipping a Meenysotta "thing"? Never heard of it here.
Steph ~

Ya shure, yew betcha! It is a sorta midwestern sport -- on the order of "snipe hunting" -- only real.

In the middle of the night when the cows are standing up asleep in the pasture, you can sneak up on them and gently push them from the top of their side and they will tip over like a four-legged chair.

This causes laughter to the point of hyperventillation for people who happen to be of Skandahoovian decent.

Important Note: Before participating in this sport, it is IMPERATIVE that you know the difference between a cow and a BULL!!!!! Bulls are not like neurologists ... bulls have absolutely no sense of humor!!!!

Another Note: Nearly 100% of the Skandahoovians of this persuation and sense of humor will talk about all of their cow-tipping adventures and laugh themselves silly -- yet only 1% of us have ever really tried it! And the ones who are talked into trying it are usually the first people invited to go snipe hunting in the Fall.
Dx 5/16/06
Dbl Mast 6/1/06 - no reconstruction
DCIS & IDC - both Grade 3
Node Neg
Her2pos - FISH
4x A/C (dd) w/ Neulasta next day x4
No Herceptin (dx Her2+ too late)
TEACH Trial - Tykerb 9 mo

(also have MS)
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