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Old 07-05-2009, 08:18 AM   #2
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since no one else so far has answered, I will give you my probably unhelpful but well meaning non-advice example.
in 1999, I chose a mastectomy over a lumpectomy because I believed that would get rid of it all. It being DCIS only in the breast at that time. They also removed some some nodes to check - they were clear. had reconstruction, no infection. no herceptin (available only for mets).
5 years later had a lump in same breast (yes same) which didn't seem cancerous but proved to be not only cancerous but now had spread outside the breast.
so mastectomy versus lumpectomy I think is a personal choice that you have to come to on your own.
that said, after the operation I would want to get herceptin and chemo (yes again) if I could to be sure no cancer cells were activated by the surgery or formed in the scar tissue.
remember, there are no wrong choices and many solutions. feel strong and powerful in knowing the choices are yours to make.
hopefully you have time to breathe and think about what you want to do and are not in a rush.
another thing, they took muscle from my stomach for my reconstruction and I found that unbearably painful, however others haven't. In France they consider that too painful and take it from the back but.....more decisions I'm afraid.
have you had some second opinions from other doctors? maybe that would help with your decision making.
good luck.
hugs and love
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