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Old 06-21-2009, 12:15 PM   #2
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interesting. Jane Plant, a scientist with bc, has written several books. one I read gave a strong argument for no dairy for adults. She worked in China and Korea where up until recently (with a change in their diet(, apparently there was little breast cancer and they called it "rich women's disease" because dairy was a luxury.
She suggests using soy milk and soy yogurt which she says, even though it's estrogenic, it isn't the type that encourages bc.
Not sure what to think of it all. stopped eating yogurt (ate a lot of it before), still eat some cheese (live in France!), eggs and milk in morning coffee.
my feeling is, if you can easily give up something that's risky, why not give it up
that said how many times have we read the cons and then the pros of such and such supplement or food or the opposite.
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