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Old 05-23-2009, 09:50 AM   #14
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 508
Thanks to everyone....

who took the time to reply. We both so appreciate your kindness and all the information you provide.

Sis had her treatment yesterday morning, and all went well. She was given anti-nausea meds IV before the chemo drugs and then had a prescrip already filled to take orally. The Zofran (sp?) seems to be doing the trick so far. Was there additional or worse nausea on day three? She's taking the med on schedule, even waking to take it in the night. So far, she is fine.

I have a couple of more questions...Did the fatigue hit on a particular day? Did it last until close to the next treatment? I'll be going home on Sunday, and it may be that her worst effects will be after that....I'm hating that possibility. I could come back if she needs me, however. (I live about two hours away).

Today we go for a shot of Neulasta and she knows that she may have additional achiness from that. Hoping that tylenol/ibuprofen will take care of that side effect.

She has scarves, wigs, fake bangs, etc. so she is prepared for the hair loss.

My plan it to come back for her next treatment, of if she prefers--a few days after her next treatment when she may be more uncomfortable.

There is relief in having the first treatment under her belt, but still so much that is "unknown". Once she gets another one done, she may have a better idea what to expect.

My thoughts and prayers are with you...

Barb A.
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