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Old 05-13-2009, 03:20 PM   #1
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Update on Joy from her sister

Hi everyone, this is Joy's sister Jennifer. Last week she started Ixempra and Herc., she also had Zometa. Her Dr. switched her to this from H+Tykerb because she was experiencing increased liver pain and her numbers were starting to climb. Since the Ixempra she has been in horrible lower abdominal pain. We know she is very constipated but nothing seems to be working to relieve that. She is very worried that the cancer has spread to someplace other than her liver and she feels like she is losing her battle. She so scared, she doesn't want to talk to her Dr. because she's afraid she will say this is the end of the road. I have always been at her side giving her support and hope. But I must say I am very worried for her at this point. I have researched just about every clinical trial out there, there is not much in Colorado, but I think right now she is too weak to go anywhere else. So my question to all of you wonderful people is, do you think this is the right treatment? Is it the Ixempra making causing the symptoms or a spread of the cancer? Any input or thought would be greatly appreciated. I read all of your posts everyday and would greatly value your opinions. Thank you so much, Jennifer
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