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Old 05-13-2009, 03:07 PM   #292
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Join Date: Mar 2006
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Hi Andi,

Very many thanks for your generous spirit and encouragement it is much appreciated.

I have been working on a new version for a year now, and I hope it will be finished in the next few months. The new version includes much more information on how to and is hopefully easier reading than the first book.

The subject is a passion. The book looks at Omega six which is the sibling of Omega three. It is excess Omega six that is responsible for the damage, and Omega three is the brake. A lack of Omega three compounds the excess Omega six.

These two fats alter the way the body works at the most fundamental cellular levels. They each produce families of highly influential chemicals. They are part of the cell membranes structure.

The imbalance of these fats arguably is a factor behind the increased risks of many Western conditions and cancers.

The chemical products of Omega six are highly inflammatory, and those of Omega three are largely anti-inflammatory. The long chain Omega three found in fish oil (DHA) is actually more effective as a inflammation blocker than many drugs NSAIDS, and without the side-effects.

I will of course let you all know when the new version is ready.

This is the link

This is the

It can also be ordered through book shops.

And this is the resource page of my WEB site.

Last edited by R.B.; 05-13-2009 at 03:11 PM..
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