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Old 04-15-2009, 01:47 PM   #12
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HI, I remained pre- menopausal after my chemo. We tried Lupron and it just did not work..(once they gave me a double dose ouch) We finally did the oophorectomy and it was easy and with no problems after. We did discuss removing everything and My surgeon said he would do a good look and if the uterus was ok the removal would continue with the scope. If there looked to be a problem then he would switch to abdominal Hysterectomy He feels one should not cut up things if there is a question of cancer and therefor would have to change to abdominal lap. to remove the uterus intact. We continue bone scans and so far I have been fine with replacements with vitamin D and Calcitrate twice daily. I too am on the watch for severe bone loss. I also was on tamox. and was told to get off it, by a Dr at an ASCO convention. So with surgical menopause I went on Aromasin. Do have some ot flashes and have noticed loss of sexual feelings. I am highly estrogen and progesterone pos so this was essential for me. Good luck in your choices... You are considering the right way and asking good questions.

"Worry looks around, sorry looks back, Faith looks up.."
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