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Old 03-13-2009, 09:25 AM   #4
Debbie L.
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Becky said: I believe the bottom of Hera results article says the full analysis (including 1 yr vs 2 yrs of Herceptin) will be available in 2011.

Thanks, Becky. I did see that. For some reason I thought we were going to hear preliminary information about 1 vs. 2 this year, though. I'm also wondering if allowing cross-over (other studies did not, did they?) will dilute the stats to where they can't tell if there's a significant difference.

Still, there were tidbits of interest. We'll be interested to see, for instance, the stats on those who received Herceptin late. How late, and how large was their benefit compared to those who received it initially? Although I guess that's largely a moot point because everyone now is getting Herceptin initially - but still it's interesting and might provide clues. And what about those subset analyses so we can look at recurrence r/t hormone status, etc. Lani, do you know if there will be a more detailed report available or is that it for now?

Debbie Laxague
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