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Old 03-12-2009, 04:02 PM   #23
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2006
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Hi All,

Refined carbohydrates and cancer is a massive topic. There are lots of reasons why refined carbohydrates, and processed fats for that matter too, increase the risk of body malfunction including cancer.

Sugar is a highly refined carbohydrate.

Refined carbohydrates are essentially are energy but without the other nutrients the body needs to process those calories safely into energy. They also have a habit of travelling and arriving in convoys because the body treats them as a rush order. The body cannot cope with the rate the raw materials are arriving at the depots. The overall result long term is organisational chaos and the production lines breaking down.

The result is an increased risk of a variety of illnesses including cancers.

High Blood Sugar Linked to Cancer Risk
Swedish Study Shows More Cancer in People With Higher Blood Sugar, Regardless of Diabetes

"The researchers followed participants for eight years, on average.

Overall, women with the highest blood sugar levels upon joining the study were more likely to be diagnosed with cancer before its end, compared with women with the lowest blood sugar levels.

Also, cancer of the lining of the uterus (endometrial cancer) was more common in women with the highest blood sugar levels, compared with those with the lowest blood sugar levels.

Breast cancer was more common for women younger than 49 with high blood sugar levels, compared with those with the lowest blood sugar levels, the study also shows."
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