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Old 02-20-2009, 10:42 AM   #4
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yes, the article suggested a trial

erbb2 is the same as her2

Since metformin is a drug used to treat a disease (diabetes) and is by prescription only (which means it has side effects and shouldn't be used by those without that disease unless for another disease for which it is effective and for which it gives more benefit than the risk of adverse side effects) this is something to go over with your doctor.

If you are very overweight and have been borderline diabetic and your doctor read this and discussed the possible side effects with you... it is still not clear that what happens in a petri dish happens in people. Sometimes the effect of a drug is nonexistant or THE OPPOSITE in whole humans and sometimes the effect is opposite depending what dose is taken (how do we know the correct dose for the effect and if that dose is safe?)

Trial may take a while as no new blockbuster drug still under patient is involved.
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