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Old 12-25-2008, 02:30 AM   #23
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pneumonia is a serious illness if the patient doesn't rest, drink warm liquids etc. If you have viral pneumonia, you are probably getting anti-viral medicine not anti-biotics but I'm not a doctor, just a doctor's daughter so don't listen to me but your doctor.
You can check this site out for all the info on it: is a good place to start for basic info on things.
it states:"
Viral. Antibiotics aren't effective against most viral forms of pneumonia. And although a few viral pneumonias may be treated with antiviral medications, the recommended treatment is generally the same as for the flu — rest and plenty of fluids."
If you have pneumonia, the following measures can help you recover more quickly and decrease your risk of complications:
  • Get plenty of rest. Even when you start to feel better, be careful not to overdo it.
  • Drink lots of fluids, especially water. Liquids keep you from becoming dehydrated and help loosen mucus in your lungs.
  • Take the entire course of any prescribed medications. Stopping medication too soon can cause your pneumonia to come back and contributes to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
  • Keep all of your follow-up appointments. Even though you feel better, your lungs may still be infected. It's important to have your doctor monitor your progress.
  • In addition to these treatments, your doctor may recommend over-the-counter medications to reduce fever, treat your aches and pains, and soothe the cough associated with pneumonia. You don't want to suppress your cough completely, though, since coughing helps clear your lungs. If you must use a cough suppressant, use the lowest dose that helps you get some rest."

  • Be patient, it takes time to get better and as they say, don't overdo it when you think you're better because it's better to rest longer and to be really sure. and spit that yellowy phlegm out of your lungs and body.
  • all the best, don't get discourage, eventually you'll recover and that's the important thing.
  • patience,
  • sarah
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