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Old 12-02-2008, 02:12 PM   #3
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: South Carolina
Posts: 183
Hey MareJo

Sorry I missed wishing you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Could some of your "blues" be caused by your recent BIG event? I am not far behind you in age. For some reason; maybe because it is just before the BIG 50, and the last of the 40's this Birthday has me down a bit. I don't know how you feel about the winter time, but if you don't like the cold, you have been hit with a double wammy since your B'day is slap in the middle of the cold season. I know many people who get down when it gets cold outside.

Also, EVERYBODY has down days, including us before our diagnosis. I think now it just makes us more aware and more upset because we have had our fair share of the "blues". My bet is your headaches are nothing to worry about.

I hope your day gets better. My presciption to you is to put on some warm snuggly PJ's, make a cup or two of hot chocolate, build a fire if you have a fireplace and curl up on the couch with a good book or puzzle. Turn the radio and tv off and enjoy the peace and coziness the winter time brings.

My prayers are with you

er, pr-, Her2+++
Stage 2b, grade 3
negative nodes
4 rounds AC
3 months of weekly taxol
1 yr of Herceptin
Finish Herceptin May 2007
35 rounds of Radiation
Reconstruction completed Dec 2007
Implant replaced due to infection Mar 2008
4 Years NED!!!
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