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Old 11-29-2008, 05:17 PM   #18
Posts: n/a

Rina- I wanted to share my recent experience with you. It was early July 2008 and I woke up spinning. I thought I was dreaming or something ...but nope I was fully awake. I was so dizzy and getting very sick. I thought maybe it was a sinus infection as that can sometimes affect your equal libreum, So I went to the Doctor and he wrote for some antibiotics.... took those for a few days with no relief. Doctors told me to try Bonnie, Dramamine etc. Nothing helped. I couldn't even drive or walk down my hallway without running into the walls. I have NEVER felt like that before, it was terrible. I was so sick I was throwing up all the time, couldn't eat. Then the terror set in "What if my cancer is back and in my brain or something". I ended up in urgent care and because I had a history of cancer they did all the workups....MRI, CAT etc. Everything was clear.... I was some what relieved but then thought maybe they overlooked something. But the urgent care Doctor said it might just be a bad case of vertigo.... which I had never had before. Weird!! Now this was about the third week of it... and it just started easing. It wasn't doing it all day, just here and there and as the next week came it was less and less and until it was finally gone. So I wouldn't get too freaked out yet.... From the time mine started until it was completely gone was a little over 4 weeks. But I have not had an episode before this nor after it. I took zofran for the nausea and stayed in bed most of the would be hard to fall asleep but once I did I would be okay until I woke up. Oh yeah I also had my ears checked and there was no water/fluid like other people told me, it was just really bad vertigo. Hope this helps a little, as I hate to think of another sister thinking the beast is back. Sending good vibes and healthy wishes for you!!!
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