Thread: Reconstruction
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Old 11-29-2008, 11:19 AM   #8
Louise O'Brien
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 75

If you don't mind my saying - I think it's important that you recover some strength and energy before undergoing this kind of operation. It's major surgery after all and you need that energy for recovery.

I don't want to give the impression that it's a piece of cake - it isn't - and I'll be honest that I had a day or two when I wondered why on earth I did that to myself. It didn't last long thankfully.

I can understand why they said you were too "thin" - a Diep flap needs a reasonable chunk of abdominal tissue in order to be successful. That I had - hence the tummy tuck. The "dorsi" means they'll be taking some tissue from your back.

That, plus an implant sounds reasonable and I'm sure it would work.

What about just an implant? I think they're most effective when the person is smaller.

Just make sure you have absolute confidence in your surgeon. Don't go into surgery without that. Your surgeon should be able to reassure you that he knows exactly what he is doing in your case. If you don't have absolute certainty about his skills - get another opinion.
That's what kept me going - total faith in the surgeon I had.

I too had a wierd flap along the side after my mastectomy that was quite unsightly, in addition to everything else. I was thrilled to see that gone after surgery and ironically, experienced no pain at that site or at the reconstruction site.

It's the damned tummy tuck. Starlets who undergo that for vanity must be out of their minds. You have to be totally motivated - and I suspect people in our situation are.

Swimangel - you're absolutely right. The binder does feel good - but the problem is that I feel so good I want to do more than I should. I can't stand the dust bunnies around my house. I want to have a go with the vacuum cleaner.

My husband, God love him, is doing the cleaning but he's blind to the bunnies. So I still need reminders to take it easy.
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