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Old 11-04-2008, 07:11 AM   #4
Joan M
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Hi Kathy,

Sayonara? I would hope not.

I'm sorry to hear that the Navelbine is not working, but I'm glad to know that you can try Taxotere again and that it worked well in the past.

How long will you be in Syracuse? Do you have access to Albany Medical Center, or that is does your insurance cover it and does your onc consult with them?

What about Tykerb, which is supposed to be more heart-friendly than Herceptin? Perhaps this could be an option.

Are there any trials available. For example there's a new class of drugs called epothilones that are similar to the taxanes (Taxol and Taxotere) in that they are microtubles that destroy the cancer cells from inside. They've shown promise in patients who are taxane resistent, and the drug does not require alergic-reaction medications like the taxanes.

Here's some information on trials that have been conducted:

Here's something from April on bc and epothilones (see Conclusion. I've met Linda Vahdat, whose a bc onc):

What trials are going on in Japan?

There's also radiofrequency ablation. I had this procedure done in August for a solitary lung met, but it can be used for several mets. The procedure works best on mets that are 3.5 cms or smaller, and in the least it can help to destroy some mets, which then reduces the tumor load, which in turn helps the chemo do a better job.

I also mention this because you do not have disease anywhere else, which further makes you a candidate for RFA.

The Japanese are in the forefront of RFA:

Here's something recent on RFA and lung cancer that mentions the Japanese work in this:

(There's a lot more on Japan and RFA on the web.)

Here's some basic info about RFA:

You're in my prayers for finding the right solution. Keep us posted.

Diagnosed stage 2b in July 2003 (2.3 cm, HER2+, ER-/PR-, 7+ nodes). Treated with mastectomy (with immediate DIEP flap reconstruction), AC + T/Herceptin (off label). Cancer advanced to lung in Jan. 2007 (1 cm nodule). Started Herceptin every 3 weeks. Lung wedge resection April 2007. Cancer recurred in lung April 2008. RFA of lung in August 2008. 2nd annual brain MRI in Oct. 2008 discovered 2.6 cm cystic tumor in left frontal lobe. Craniotomy Oct. 2008 (ER-/PR-/HER2-) followed by targeted radiation (IMRT). Coughing up blood Feb. 2009. Thoractomy July 2009 to cut out fungal ball of common soil fungus (aspergillus) that grew in the RFA cavity (most likely inhaled while gardening). No cancer, only fungus. Removal of tiny melanoma from upper left arm, plus sentinel lymph node biopsy in Feb. 2016. Guardant Health liquid biopsy in Feb. 2016 showed mutations in 4 subtypes of TP53. Repeat of Guardant Health biopsy in Jana. 2021 showed 3 TP53 mutations, BRCA1 mutation and CHEK2 mutation. Invitae genetic testing showed negative for all of these. Living with MBC since 2007. Stopped Herceptin Hylecta (injection) treatment in March 2020. Recent 2021 annual CT of chest, abdomen and pelvis and annual brain MRI showed NED. Praying for NED forever!!

Last edited by Joan M; 11-04-2008 at 07:15 AM..
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