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Old 10-22-2008, 06:44 AM   #27
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Read the Book

I second Joe's advice. Read the book. It has more facts, less skimming and inaccuracies, and plenty of real drama (as opposed to Lifetime-style drama). Although I have to say, for a Lifetime production, they did a good job and the acting was good quality. Part of me watched it with a critical eye, noting inaccuracies and emotional manipulations and the other part of me cried with along with everyone else (the shower scene was the especially moving to me).

I first read the book years ago when I was still experiencing significant Herceptin Envy. So I was eager to see how it sat with me now that I'm mostly over that. But when I went to find it, it wasn't on my shelves. I must have loaned it out to someone and we both forgot. So I went online to B&N and ordered another used copy. I think that was Saturday. I got the usual confirmation emails and had hoped it would be here by now, but the next day an email arrived saying it was not available, apologies, etc. So I ordered another from another seller. Next day - same not-available message! I'm now on my third order and so far it seems to be okay. I guess the movie has increased interest in the book significantly.

Does anyone know if any other women from the phase I and II trials are still alive? I googled Barbara Bradfield and found several links including one that showed her photo, I think at the premiere of the movie, with Bernadette Peters. And another USA today article with an entirely different woman in the photo. Odd.

And while we're talking books (at least, I am talking books). I'm about halfway through a very interesting book called "Pink Ribbons Inc.". It is not improving my mood but is validating some of my thoughts about October. It's not an easy read but it's well written and researched and is absolutely fascinating. I recommend it also.

Debbie Laxague
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