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Old 09-24-2008, 09:06 AM   #8
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also let me remind you that the US government pays twice (yes that's double) per person for healthcare in the US than governements with univeral healthcare - that word that the health insurers have Americans scared of because they're greedy bastards - just like the wall street manipulators. Universal healthcare here in France is fair, honorable, cost effective and you can see the doctors you need or want to see.
I feel sorry for anyone in America that isn't rich or doesn't have great health insurance (and then you may still have problems and have to fight for your treatments - I did) that your company pays for and the government pays for all those emergencies that the uninsured have to use. Hopefully someday America will have health care that everyone can afford and use.
Leslie there are good doctors out there, I hope you find one.
At least now, more brainy people will more likely be going into medicine and science and not wall st!!! That's a good thing.
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