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Old 09-24-2008, 06:38 AM   #18
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Time to Go for the Juglar

Dear Hermiracles,

It sure sounds like you've got your hands full right now. It's time for all out war (a "surge" of sorts) on your pesky HER2. I would suggest you go after it on a systemic level, since you seem to have multiple mets sites. I truly believe that the the most helpful nutritional/alternative therapies I have read about and used are the supplement curcumin to promote apoptosis of abnormal cells, and the powerful ability of EGCG in green tea to downregulate HER2 overexpression.

The absolutely best available curcumin supplement is Life Extension's Super Curcumin. It contains the highest concentration of the active ingredient. Take three capsules daily with food. Life Extension's Mega Green Tea Extract (decaffeinated) also has more EGCG than any other I have seen. Take three capsules daily. These are both available online at www.

Again, drinking as much fresh-brewed green tea is important along with the supplements. You should brew it using decaffeinated tea bags, with the addition of one regular (non-decaffeinated) bag in each batch. The EGCG is reported to work more effectively in the presence of some caffeine. Do not add lemon.

Please note that there is scientific evidence to suggest that curcumin may radio-sensitize malignant cells, making them more susceptible to destruction by radiation therapy. Many physicians dispute this point, and suggest that you not use it during R/T as it is a powerful anti-oxidant. This is between you and your radiation oncologist, but perhaps you can ask them to do the research before they make a recommendation. The green tea and green tea extracts are also anti-oxidants, but I say drink it now, and drink it often.

My only other advice is that you follow the diets offered on this site by R.B. and others that focus on foods. Olive oil and other foods that contain Omega-9 fatty acid are very effective in downregulation of HER2.

Keep up your great spirit. We are all praying for you.

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