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Old 08-29-2008, 11:39 PM   #4
TriciaV's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: I live in Bakersfield, California
Posts: 21
I have had problems with fluid and draining. ugghhh after my mastectomy they put those pesky little drains in and told me in about 10 days or so they would be ready to come out....Yeah right it was 6 weeks later. So when I had my Tram flap surgery they put a drain in each breast and two in my lower abdominal area, and the plastic surgeon told me in a couple weeks they will be ready, I told him that I didnt think so and I was a drainer, but he didn't believe was 8 weeks later when I was sitting in the shower and I pulled them out myself..... I know a very stupid thing to do but I was so tired at that point of carrying those drains and tubes and bulbs around with me. My surgeon was really upset with me and told me that I might need to be drained in his office when I go Sept. 12. I am hoping that most of this is fluid but I have this crazy feeling that this is just how my stomach is going to be from now on. It feels like I healed with my stomach sticking out or something like that.
10/06 -31 years old then had pain in RT breast/Discovered Lump
Dr.s Dx was "it's just an infection" "your too young" "breast cancer doesn't hurt" HUH???
Mammo and Ultrasound found 3 seperate masses largest being 7cm. Dr was sure they were an old breast infection, gave me antibiotics and sent me on my way. after three months of 4 rounds of antibiotics and fighting with the Dr. Finally had a 2nd Dr listen to me and had surgery
1/4/07 Surgical biopsy done :-(
DX stage 3c IDC er+ pr+ Her2+++ 31 years old
2 rounds ACH 6 rounds CTH ,a little healing time and then Mastectomy w/lymph node dissection, 9/27 positive nodes, a little more healing time
5/07 started another 6 rounds of cleanup chemo of CTH- Carboplatin, Taxotere and Herceptin
started Tomoxafin 9/07, Also declared NED 9/07
2009-Lymphedema- sleeve and glove
6-26-11 X-rays show suspicious spot on right 6th rib
8-25-11 another round of X-rays ordered, which also showed same spot on right 6th rib
9-1-11 Onc had bone scan done
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