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Old 08-26-2008, 04:20 PM   #1
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 2
Herceptin side effects

Hi everyone-I'm new to this board and I've got a question for everyone taking herceptin. I finished chemo about 6 months ago, and have only 3 more herceptin treatments to go before I'm done. I was wondering if anyone else out there is having a hard time with feeling tired, achey and just generally unwell with herceptin? I know a lot of people say that they have no side effects from it, but I just feel run-down, beat-down and exhausted. I had a muga recently that was fine, and blood work is fine. I just am so tired all the time, and the herceptin makes me feel flu-ish for quite a few days, with an increasing tired feeling with each treatment. Kind of dreading the last 3 treatments. Anyone out there with a similiar experience? Thanks-I hope I'm not the only one struggling with herceptin!
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