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Old 08-19-2008, 09:49 AM   #3
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Clutier, Iowa
Posts: 61

Hi Ladies, it has been a little over a year since I've been on this site. If memories are somewhat intact, I was diagnosed with IDC 10/05, had L mastectomy. Luckily, no nodes were involved. Two weeks out of surgery and inn November started with the several stages of Chemo. Cytox/Adriamiacin for once every 3 weeks, for several months, then on to herceptin & taxol for every week for 12 weeks. Body holding up pretty well during this time frame, fatigue, like you would not believe, but doing o.k. After this round of H&T, I was put straight to Herceptin for once every 3 weeks. I believe that was in the month of April and was to continue through the end of Feb. Things started to go awry after several doses of Herceptin. First I crashed on potassium and the nurses wouldn't let me leave until I had 4 hours worth of potassium pumped back into me. O.K. Tried to go back to work, but started having difficulty in breathing like I was going up hill all the time. Time for a muga check...yep just as suspected, congestive heart failure. Out of work and on to meet with cardiologist. Received new meds through him and set up to go back in 3 weeks for recheck. O.K. after a bit of rest, went back to work (special ed. associate for middle school). After 2nd week back to work, I'm feeling drunk all the time, off balance, not saying the words I want to say, want to say white and I say vanilla instead. Husband and family think this is hysterical! I'm getting concerned. Last straw was I got lost in the school I work in. Supposed to be in one room and was totally in the wrong spot with the wrong student, oops. Have made several calls to the oncologist, they say to call the cardiologist as he's the one that prescribed the most recent meds. O.K. have an app't with him, he thinks I'm a hypochondriac, he doesn't see anything wrong, I should go see my family Dr. and see what he thinks. I'm furious to think that this doctor and all his worldly knowledge thinks I'm a nut case!! My hair was flamming (had red hair before chemo, too) I then make an app't. with the oncologist for the next day and explain all that is going on and that I'm not a nut case, something is not right and please somebody figure out what it is. He gave me a sobriety test with touching your fingers to your nose with each hand and standing on one leg for balance, standing on both legs and then see if I can continue to stand and not lose balance while he pushes me. Fail all of the above. Schedule me for an MRI and take blood tests. He gives me a call and tells me I'm in renal failure on top of the congestive heart failure, whoo hoo. Out of work the rest of school year from March thru May. O.k. thinking I'll have all summer to relax and regain my strength and be fully rested mind and body wise with the start of the next school year. Ha! Not so fast....My husband then turns around in June and files for divorce. Now isn't that some kind of man. Only out of dealing in the knowing that I have cancer in 05 go through all the chemo, having side affects, just getting over them and now this. I realize God does not give us what we can't handle, but my shoulders are starting to sag under the pressure. My husband dragged out the seperation for a whole year, with no support, I went back to work, but the immune system still isn't up to par. Had sinus infect., bronchitis (twice) and topped it off with pneumonia. Had stress that just seems to be part of my daily makeup (forgot, it was also my daughter's senior year in high school, too) and had head games played by the husband throughout the winter. Finally got divorced this June and was given 30 days to move out of the family farm. Honestly, Ladies, how much can a person take with out the thoughts of signing papers to be committed to the nearest loony bin??? I have found a small house to rent. My garage is full of my life that has to find a place in this tiny house. I feel so overwhelmed with EVERYTHING on top of the joint and body pain not to mention the never ending fatique. I'm coming up to my 3 year BC survival anniversary, please keep a prayer going that it will be a bright star to celebrate something happy after all of this mess. Anyone out there know of a ghost writer? Maybe I can write a book: If I can keep smiling, so can you" What do ya think?
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