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Old 08-15-2008, 09:32 PM   #6
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Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 221
Thank you, Joe

This is indeed food for thought. How come there's so little discussion? Did you follow the link? What did you think? This is food for thought on many levels - the exploitation of breast cancer as an emotional tool to increase profits, and a look at our society and its con$umer-enthusiasms.

I am not saying that no one should ever buy something that claims to donate to breast cancer. But do your research. If you wouldn't be buying the item if it didn't have the bc link - then just send that money straight to an organization that you know does good work (this one comes to mind). If you would be buying it anyway, do your research and be sure that the claims are significant and legitimate about how much of your money goes to help breast cancer causes. And if you find that the claims are misleading - SAY SOMETHING. We as survivors have more clout than the general public, because of those emotional tugs - we've earned the privilege.

BCAction has (had?) quite a bit to say on this topic also, but I can't seem to find a link to current information on their website. If I google thinkbeforeyoupink the information is dated 2004 and 2005. Time does fly but I thought there was something more current. Maybe they're tuning it up in anticipation of October.

The other piece of October that troubles me is the hype about screening-as-we-currently-know-it. Yes, it's what we have and we have to use it but it's NOT the answer - we need better answers and more research, if we're going to save more lives. All the money and effort that goes into rah-rah screening messages seems like such a sad (and mistruthful) waste to me.

Debbie Laxague
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