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Old 06-24-2008, 04:16 PM   #9
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Location: Central Coast, CA
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Belly dancer,
Sounds like your cardiologist put his foot down pretty hard, but you know that this is for your own well being. You are also right, all you can do no is keep looking forward! I'm not sure I understood your comments about what the cardiologist said, but I do not think that the 1/3, 1/3 and 1/3 are statistically based statements. I believe most women who have cardiac issues related to Herceptin do recover - but again, I'm not a doctor and I'm also not familiar with what other issues and risk factors you may have. Think positive, and keep away from those nasty ciggys (easy for me to say, I know!).

You are correct, your numbers are still very good. and are likely to stay that way. Mine got down to around the mid 50's but then they also bounced back up from time to time while on Herceptin. The best you can do is what you would "normally" do for a healthy heart - moderate exercise, eat well, etc. i also took CoQ10 as many others do, I believe it helps. And of course fish oil if you have no 'thin blood' problems.

You should also know that the timing of the MUGA/Echo is important - especially once you are on the every 3 weeks Herceptin dosage you want to have the MUGA right before your treatment, not right after as the numbers do fluctuate and are usually better the further out you are from the treatment.

Good luck, hang in there (both of you!)
Chris in Scotts Valley
June 2002 extensive hi grade DCIS (pre-cancer-stage 0, clean sentinal node) Mastectomy/implant - no chemo, rads. "cured?"
9/2004 Diag: Stage IV extensive liver mets (!) ER/PR- Her2+++
10/04-3/05 Weekly Taxol/Carboplatin/Herceptin , complete response!
04/05 - 4/07 Herception every 3 wks, Continue NED
04/07 - recurrence to liver - 2 spots, starting tykerb/avastin trial
06/07 8/07 10/07 Scans show stable, continue on Tykerb/Avastin
01/08 Progression in liver
02/08 Begin (TDM1) trial
08/08 NED! It's Working! Continue on TDM1
02/09 Continue NED
02/10 Continue NED. 5/10 9/10 Scans NED 10/10 Scans NED
12/10 Scans not clear....4/11 Scans suggest progression 6/11 progression confirmed in liver
07/11 - 11/11 Herceptin/Xeloda -not working:(
12/11 Begin MM302 Phase I trial - bust:(
03/12 3rd times the charm? AKT trial

5/12 Scan shows reduction! 7/12 More reduction!!!!
8/12 Whoops...progression...trying for Perjeta/Herceptin (plus some more nasty chemo!)
9/12 Start Perjeta/Herceptin, chemo on hold due to infection/wound in leg, added on cycle 2 &3
11/12 Poops! progression in liver, Stop Perjeta/Taxo/Herc
11/12 Navelbine/Herce[ptin - try for a 3 cycles, no go.
2/13 Gemzar/Carbo/Herceptin - no go.
3/13 TACE procedure
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