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Old 06-17-2008, 08:44 AM   #17
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Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 62
Good luck Krista, the lack of sleep is my biggest on-going-bug-a-boo. There is just nothing more stressful.

Try shifting anything else you must take to a different time, if possible. If you are taking other things they may case wakefulness or sleepiness that may interfere with your circadian rhythms.

I have not tried Lunesta because Ambien does work for me. Ambien is now generic under the name Zolpidem. This may help with insurance. Ambien CR was the company's response to the loss in revenue when it went generic. The CR is coated and is long release. You can get 10 mg Zolpidem, cut them in half. Take 5 mg, then 5 mg later if you pop awake. Figure out how long it works for you.

Everyone's responses here show how differently we all react. It may take something different with each change of all the other gunk we have to take.

My Onc insisted that Temazepam (Restoril) was the drug of choice. Made me feel like I was hit by a Mac truck. Felt drugged the whole day after. Ativan helped with anxiety and sleep when I was first diagnosed, but was useless for me after a while. Benadryl was good for 24 hours of half-awake-half-asleep, but not good sleep or good awakening, and I had used it for years with success before BC. I do not believe there are any long term contraindications for the use of benadryl, unlike just about any prescription sleep-aid.

Melatonin does nothing for me, but some swear by it. Try dissolving it sublinguinal. Under tongue at back of mouth. Lots of blood supply there to absorb it.

I ended up paying a premium for Ambien at first because it worked. (Drug of choice for my ER Doc friend, who gave me some when I was melting down if my first months of dealing with BC.) It was worth the cost of $3 a pill. Now I can get 30 for $15!

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