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Old 06-14-2008, 04:01 PM   #3
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Join Date: Sep 2006
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Posts: 89
Lani, I have systemic lupus. While first on taxol, carbo, and herceptin for my recurrence my onco said he thought the lupus would give me no problems. He was right-- I had no flares. I then had a 4 month vacation from chemo with just herceptin and do not remember having lupus problems (but it was summer and I always feel better in warmer weather.) I can not remember if I had flares while still on herceptin, but trying navelbine and gemzar. I did have lots of problems while on Tykerb and Xeloda. Right now I am not on Herceptin, but ixempra and zometa. I daily deal with stiff joints, pain, etc. My onco says it is difficult to know whether the lupus or the chemo is causing the pain. I think the herceptin did help my lupus symptoms (or perhaps the combo did). I know MS and lupus are different diseases, yet they are closely related. Hope this helps.
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