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Old 06-08-2008, 10:28 AM   #11
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Posts: 66
Dear PattyZ,

So sorry for the misleading title. The first article is about Avastin and recurring brain cancer (not breast cancer mets to the brain); the second article notes that of the patients with metastatic breast cancer, 6.7% had CNS (central nervous system, incl. brain) mets- all were treated with irinotecan and bevacizumab(Avastin); and the third article is about Irinotecan and Avastin as treatment for Malignant Gliomas, a type of brain cancer, not bc mets to the brain.

I thought the articles were relevant to a discussion of bc mets to the brain because finding treatments that can cross the blood-brain barrier to arrest metastatic or primary cancers in the brain continues to be a challenge. I have a friend with melanoma mets to the brain, so I read the reports with her condition in mind as well as my sister's.

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