Thread: neck nodes?
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Old 05-21-2008, 11:51 AM   #8
Posts: n/a
Unhappy something on the back of my neck

Hi everyone,

My name is Sandi. I live in upstate NY. As of last week I am a 3 year breast cancer survivor. In March of 2005 I was diagnosed with lobular carsinoma in situ, with resulted in a bilateral mastectomy and tram flap reconstruction. Ironically enough the only reason I was diagnosed was because I had a breast reduction and found out when I went to get my stitches out 10 days later.

Anyway, about a week ago I was putting my hair up when as I brushed my hand along the back of my head to smooth my hair I felt "something" You see the type of cancer I had I not a hard mass that could be felt so I didn't know what I was feeling. I decided to wait a few days before calling my oncologist. Well I went to see him yesterday, he didn't want to do anything just yet he wants me to come back in 3 weeks provided it is still there.
Needless to say I'm pretty nervous about the whole waiting thing.

If there is anyone who has a "something" on the back of their neck could you please write me and let me know things like where it was in relation to your hair line and what it felt like, if it hurt or not. I'd really appreciate it, I'm really trying to freak out!!!

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