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Old 05-16-2008, 07:47 PM   #2
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No firm answers

Hi Krista,

I think that the reason you cannot find the answers that you seek is that there aren't any firm answers out there. Parabens and pthalates are two ingredients (of many) under suspicion as causing cancer or contributing to its growth but the evidence is not conclusive yet.

My thoughts? Can't hurt to avoid them, and it's easier to do so than ever before, at least for the parabens. You'll find lots of products now labeled paraben-free right on the front label, as opposed to having to get out the magifying glass and inspect the fine print.

I think that one reason that this doesn't get much attention is that most people's perception is that things that we put ON our skin don't have the same potential to affect us as things we put INTO our body. But the skin is an organ and one of its functions is absorption. Think about how many meds are delivered with patches. The skin absorbs what is put on it, and does so quite efficiently.

I'm not sure how much difference it would make now (if parabens ARE a problem) for us adults, but if I had young children, I'd be especially cautious for them. And again, I figure it's easy enough to err on the safe side. Paraben free products aren't that hard to find and are competitively priced (even Costco has a paraben-free shampoo/conditioner brand - giovanni). And btw, being labeled "organic" or "natural" does not mean that the product is paraben-free. Read the labels to be sure.

Breast Cancer Action has ben talking about parabens and pthalates for a long time. If you read their discussion of the issue, you can also see what they've used as references on which to base their arguments. Although I do not agree with everything BCA says, nor all the ways in which they say it, I do think that they are on solid scientific ground in what they say on this topic.

Most of their information seems to be within their "think before you pink" section:
Look around there - it's not just one page.

I hope this doesn't just give you more to read without clarifying. As I said in the beginning, there aren't any perfectly solid answers. Yet.

Debbie Laxague
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