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Old 05-14-2008, 05:40 AM   #3
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When you look at some of the studies of what to do to prevent breastcancer and what contributes to breast cancer you have to take the information with a grain of salt and use common sense to live a healthy life style. I beleive in supplemenation in addition to a healthy diet/lifestyle but sometimes it doesn't seem to be enough. When first diagnosed with BC, I ran down the long list of do's and don't's, I was doing everything right and still got breast cancer with no family history of it. In regards to articles on vitamin "D" I have been taking calcium with vit D for many many years in addition to being a sunbather since childhood. I love the outdoors! As a result, I was diagnosed with skin cancer on my scalp ( I usally wear some type of hat when ourdoors for longer than a few minutes) a few weeks ago and had mohs surgery last week to have it removed. This surgery hurt more than my lumpectomy and re-excision did. Fortunately this skin cancer was the superfical basal cell carcinoma with is supposed? to have a high cure rate (atleast that's what the doctor's told me..I hope their right..) with the mohs surgery. Just thought that I would share my experience....
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