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Old 04-24-2008, 10:12 PM   #3
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I, like Bill, have not heard of "comfort chemo." I think your friend needs to see another oncologist at a larger center for a second opinion. I truly believe in third opinions too. Sounds to me like the cancer spread to her lungs (hence the fluid) among other places. But, there is no more "everywhere" anymore. I was told it was everywhere, but it was in my lungs and liver. Bad enough but not EVERYWHERE. I had to have my lungs drained several times because the body has a way of trying (but failing) to attack the cancer cells. The irritation somehow makes extra fluid causing her to feel tired and short of breath. She needs to see an pulmonary doctor or I suggest a thoracic surgeon for that. She can have her lungs "sealed" with a talc that will adhere the lung to the breast wall leaving no room for the fluid to come back. I had that done twice. It's called pleurodesis. The draining of the lung is called thorocentesis. The oncologist should be giving her potassium (IV or pill form). I have had IV potassium many times (it doesn't stay in her system very long and needs to be replenished. Sounds like her electrolytes are out of whack, also making her very tired. If this happens for too long, it can damage her heart and put her at major risk for a heart attack. She needs to be hydrated very well. And If her blood counts are very low, she should be having blood and/or platelet transfusions. Then there are shots of neupogen, epogen and/or other medications she can easily have to raise her red blood count and white counts so she can get the chemo. There are easy fixes that it doesn't seem like this onc wants to waste on her. Please help her get a new onc right away. This is pissing me off the more I think about it!! Next, she needs an MRI scan of her brain. That will decide if your friend needs Tykerb (chemo that passes the blood brain barrier) or radiation treatments. Most chemo's do not pass the BBB because the molecules are too big. Tykerb is one of the newest medications that DOES. She also needs to find out if she carries the HER2 gene. If it wasn't done on her original pathology, the doc (new or old - preferably new) can request to have a Fsh test. Tell your friend to get copies of ALL her past and future reports for her own files. I know it seems like this happened quickly, but I doubt this doctor was taking regular scans to watch for reoccurance. This has probably been happening for a while. Once the fluid started build up in the lung, that was probably when she started to feel the worst. She needs to stay out of crowds and be VERY clean about everything. The last thing she needs right now is to catch a cold. If you and your mom want to do something to help, pay for a crew to REALLY clean her house or do it yourselves. Doesn't seem like much, but it can really mean saving her life. I carry antiseptic wipes and clean my forks and knives in a restaurant, wipe down the handle of the carriage at the market, don't touch doorknobs and Lysol my own at home all the time, wipe down everything in my car especially the door handles and steering wheel. Every little thing helps. Your a great person for caring and trying to understand whats going on...Hope I helped a little! Keep us informed...
Stage IV Inflammatory BC 1/00
Mod Rad Mastectomy 24nod/5+
Adriomycin Cytoxin Taxol
Tamoxifen 4 1/2 yrs
Radiation - 32 x
Metastatic BC lung/liver 10/04
thorocentesis 2x - pleurodesis
Herceptin Taxatiere Carbo
BC NED 4/05
chemo induced Acute Myeloid Leukemia 5/06
Induction/consolidation chemo
bone marrow transplant - 11/3/06
Severe Host vs Graft Disease of liver
BC mets to lung 11/07
Fasoladex Herceptin Zometa Xeloda
GVHD/Iron overload to liver
Avascular Necrosis/morphine pump 10/10
metastatic brain tumor
steriotactic radiosurgery
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