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Old 04-08-2008, 07:07 PM   #1
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2005
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Optimistic thread

I read this thread on a different site (good site but not as good as this one!) and I found it a good source of optimism...

Hi All, i am not a regular on this site, but I just had a visit with
my doctor and believe the information he gave me must be shared. My
doctor is the head of University of Michigan Cancer Center and has
been involved in research on breast cancer stem cells. He is just
beginning a clinical trial (Phase I) for an investigational drug in
combination with Taxotere. This combination has shown to be effective
in mice and it actually kills the stem cells, something that no
chemotherapy alone can do.

I believe it's important for you all to hear about this because my
doctor is one of the most conservative people I know and has absolutely
stellar credentials as a breast cancer researcher. In the 3.5 years
since my mets diagnosis, he has been guarded and cautious when
discussing the future. Today he actually uttered the word "cure,"
(obviously no promises and much testing is ahead before the results are
known) and talked of new therapies that will be in testing later this
fall (under development by a UM owned company). His passion about this
new avenue has made me (dare I say) a bit optimistic.

The trials are being conducted at Dana Farber and Baylor in addition
to UM. The UM website has additional info on breast cancer stem
cells as well.
Hope this boosts your morale as it has mine.

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