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Old 03-26-2008, 06:34 PM   #13
Carol Carlson
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 77
Hi All,
I made an appt. with a plastic surgeon who speicalizes in breast reconstruction in Boston. She was wonderful, supportive and very reassuring about results. She was highly recommended by my Onc. and I have an "in" with the OR nurses at the hosp. who said nothing but good things about her. If you know any nurses, trust me, they tell you like it is with Docs. I am one so I know....
I have one "B" and one "D" and I'm reducing to 2 " B"'s . I have so many clothes that just don't fit right or feel right.
I've thought long and hard about this... 3 years, so it has not been a hasty decision.
My husband, who is nervous about me going under the knife again, this time electively said sweetly, 'Have you thought about losing 10-15 lbs as an alternative... !!!!!! GAWD, now that makes a lot of sense don't you think..... All kinds of logic there... I would still end up with one large and one small .... DAHHHHH.... incidently he still has the dagger hanging out of his neck.
My surgery is Tues. 4/15 . I'm actually looking forward to it other than the pain of course. They tell me-- in one morning-- out the next . The drain will come out before discharge.
Wish me luck
Thanks to all for your comments.
Carol Carlson
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