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Old 03-17-2008, 03:02 PM   #7
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: BridgeView IL
Posts: 116
Hi Andi,
Thank you for your care and concern. I personally do not believe in mind altering drugs such as Zoloft. I was prescribed that particular drug for chronic depression years ago and had a bad experience. A very dedicated group of nurses taught me long ago how to care for myself without the use of prescriptions such as that. I have only a partial thyroid left which contains two nodules that my body fights with everyday, literally. Thyroid disease is a very serious disease which has taught me how to listen to my body. I listen to my dr's advice but over the years we do not always agree. This constant nausea/need to vomit feeling and irritable bowel is my endocrine system screaming from all the cancer treatments. The condition of my body can no longer break down and metabolize this Herceptin. I am not a dr. but just going by my instinct. I have 6 more treatments equaling 18 weeks; I can't keep this up for 18 weeks and continue to work, etc. I understand your protocol saved your life and that is your personal miracle. I have always been the kind of person who takes as little medication as possible and still feel that way. I read all the side effects and dont want to take any more risks and add any more side effects than absolutely necessary. I wish my bc journey allowed me one issue at a time but I have had to deal with numerous issues from every direction. Doing pretty good for an old broad. I have a very strong Faith to see me through this journey.
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