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Old 03-16-2008, 09:20 AM   #5
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: BridgeView IL
Posts: 116
Thanks for your insight. Regarding the rash: we switched to paper tape a while back and I dont use spray or numbing creme. Its either the cleaning solution or heparin? I have a mole near the port site that has changed from black/brown to lite pink. The mole itches also. I dont receive pre-meds before Herceptin but am going to ask for a packed of Benedryl. Hopefully it will work.

My weight has remained constant for last 15 yrs prior to bc. My thyroid has been in a comprised state for many years. I dont think it can keep up with all the chemo/treatments. My face and hands and feet swelled since the beginning of treatments. My TSH levels are really balancing as they should. Those of us with thyroid disease and bc its a tough call when it comes to treatment decisions. I really need to listen to my body over the protocol. My stomach is also very bloated. Irritable bowel/big time-to the point of rectal bleeding on and off. I cant have a colonoscopy due to two previous pilonidal surgeries that never healed correctly. I am scheduled for next Herceptin on Wednesday; will have discussion with onc. I need an endocronologist's input. Sorry so long, just wanted to share info for all sisters/brothers with similar thyroid/bc issues. Take Care.
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