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Old 03-05-2008, 05:34 PM   #13
Carol Carlson
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 77
Our dear, sweet yellow lab. of 11 passed away July of '07. She had lymphoma. My BC was dx'd in '04. She was always a
'"licker" but it seemed to increase about the time I was dx'd. After my surgeries. during chem, rads, and until she died, she would always sleep at the foot of my bed, ON my legs and when I was on the couch prior to bedtime she would do the same. She started doing this just before and after my surgeries. She would lick my hands , feet, etc,. whatever she could get ahold of and I know she knew. She was my best friend in the whole world and I believe that both dogs and cats have a basic intuition about illness . I honestly believe that my precious " Annie" helped in my recovery. I wish that I could have done the same with her.
They are all such a gift.
They just know.
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