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Old 02-21-2008, 08:14 PM   #12
Joanne S
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Location: Detroit Metropolitan Area, Michigan
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Not knowing and having to wait can be such torture


Oh I'm sorry to hear ... It sounds like you have given your daughter's friend some very good advice. It is so scary finding out that there is a possibility of breast cancer. Then to find out the ultrasound is inconculsive can make all of this even more worrisome.

As you mentioned, she is understandably upset. However, having her diagnosis being inconclusive at this point may possibly be a good thing. So I hope she is not panicked. Until/Unless a positive cancer diagnosis is confirmed, let's hope she is worrying unnecessarily. I imagine she understands it could turn out to be benign. No one really knows until those cells are examined microscopically.

If this lady is unable to get an immediate appointment with a breast surgeon, she might consider asking her Gyn or Primary doctor to request or arrange for an immediate breast MRI (it can provide information about the entire breast area, whereas the ultrasound is normally restricted to just a small area/portion of the breast). She might be able to get that done right away and possibly have those MRI findings before she sees the breast surgeon or gets a biopsy.

Aug06...Dx Age 50, IDC Left Breast, 6+/16 lymph nodes, Stg 3, ER+/PR+/HER2+
Sep06-Jan07...Mediport. Chemo: AC x 4, T x 4
Feb12,2007...Surg MRM Left & SM Right, reconstruct w/expanders
Mar07-Jun07...Saline Exp
Jun07...Start Tamoxifen
Jun07-Aug07...Rad x 25
Jun07-Oct07...Persistent fevers-unknown origin
Jun07-Nov07...PT for Severe PMPS & Capsular Contracture
Nov07...Surg Capsulectomy, Gel Implants, PMPS pain gone instantly.
Feb08...NED 1st CANCERVERSARY!!!!!
Feb08...2 months post surgery Caps Cont again :(
Mar08...Stop Tamoxifen. Start Arimidex.
Apr08...Sudden high fever, Hosp ICU 10 days, staph infect, emerg surg, implants removed. Outpt IVantibiotics Daily x 6 weeks
Feb11...NED 5th CANCERVERSARY!!!!!
Feb12...NED 6th CANCERVERSARY!!!!!
Aug12...Spotting. Surg=D&C
Sep12...STAGE IV = RARE BC METS TO UTERUS ILC ER+/PR+/HER2-Negative) (Different BC than originally diagnosed = IDC ER+/PR+/HER2+).
Sep12...Stop Arimidex. Start Afinitor & Aromasin.
Jan13...MRI = no progression no reduction
Apr13...Progression. Stop Afinitor & Aromasin.
Apr13...Start Chemo: Taxol & Carboplatin.
Nov13...Scans & Pelvic 95+% Reduction. Nueropathy>Stop chemo start Fareston.
Jan14...PET scan = no progression stable.
May14...Pelvic > Bleeding & cramps. TMs up.
May14...PET scan = uterine progression :(
May14...Stop Fareston. Start Chemo: Xeloda.

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