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Old 02-05-2008, 03:23 PM   #19
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Location: Lakeville, Minnesota
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When I met with the supposedly two top diep drs in mn (one in minneapolis and one at mayo) they both told me that there is a slight chance that once they are in surgery and they actually see the blood vessels, sometimes it is neccessary to do a tram instead. they make it sound like it is no big deal, like we will just take a small piece of muscle, if the vessels aren't adequate, but in reality they are doing a tram. So you could go in expecting a diep and end up with a tram. One of these drs even told me that if I had a dr tell me that he can do a diep 100 % of the time he is lying.
I found out, from nola, that this is usually a sign of inexperience. So the more experience they have, the less chance of it occurring. Nola made it very clear that they would not take any muscle, no matter what my blood vessels looked like when they got into surgery.
I would want to just confirm with your doc, if you don't want a tram, that he can perform the diep 100% of the time.

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