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Old 01-03-2008, 06:18 AM   #6
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the reason everyone is not being treated with a combination

is that this is cutting edge research and it has only been tried in mice

It may end up that cancer in humans is different (and he mentions Jenny Chang, the clinician in the group is busy organizing clinical trials to determine if these findings hold up in humans), or it may be that blocking these different paths has lots of side effects in people.

Dr Osbourne has told me when I asked a question, that not every her2+ER+ cell line implanted in mice was cured with the three drug combo or the three drug combo plus tamoxifen or estrogen deprivation, so , always, there may be other factors acting (IGFR, etc)

They are only starting to look back at the HERA and No American herceptin trials and characterize who had which her family members positive, compared to how patients did.

It may end up that different peoples' cancers are so different that every person needs to have a microgene array done on their tumor (or circulating tumor cell) and to have a different cocktail prescribed to them than to their
neighbor in the next chair at the infusion center who has the same ER,PR and her2 status.

And yes, it is possible for ER- to turn to ER+ and vice versa when comparing primary tumors to metastases according to the papers I have read. (also her2- to her2+, but almost never her2+ to her2-)
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