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Old 12-30-2007, 07:45 PM   #4
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Hi Lin! Your friend is really fortunate to have you by her side. I know she is panicking right now, and I know that's alot on your shoulders as well. Please understand that you both are in our thoughts and prayers. From personal experience, I think at least a CAT scan is in order, and I'm not a medical professional, but any test she can have at this point, do it. My wife was dx with dcis in 2004, underwent rads., no chemo., stage 0, then had a gallbladder attack and surgery on 12/1/05 discovered liver mets, automatic stage IV. The surgeon said this was really unusual, it just didn't happen, but it did. We still don't know exactly what happenned, but we talked alot about it and after hearing other stories, we felt that dcis is often pushed under the rug as a minor thing. I'm not trying to worry you unnecessarily, but please do all you can do- second and third opinions, keep a journal/notebook of questions, consult the site here, and most doctors do not object to you even taping the visits. Human nature-you get hit with too much info. at once and sometimes you can't absorb it all. Studies have shown that the human short-term memory can only hold around 10 things at once, and when more items are "inserted" into the short-term memory, something is pushed out, only it's not first in, first out, it's random "forgetting". If I'm wrong here, someone please correct me. That's why, as you and your friend talk, jot down questions to ask at the next visit, and also read everything you can at the doctor's office. We always found medical journals to read while waiting, and don't be afraid to pull your friend's chart out of the door chart holder while waiting in the exam. room. That's your info. and alot of good questions come from reading your chart. Be aggressive. "the squeaky wheel gets the grease". Love and prayers, Bill
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