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Old 12-05-2007, 09:15 AM   #2
Posts: n/a

I did read a bit about it, as they won a prize (not first) in the recent Siemens science fair. The top winners were all girls, and of the 20 finalists, eleven were girls.

I am wondering, though, how they would have gotten access to the tissue of a sufficient number of women who have HER2+ cancer (and have progressed on herceptin) to be sure that the portein they identified actually is the culprit in advancement and not one of many.

It's wonderful that so many girls are interested in science these days. I believe the winners did something similar with resistant TB. In reading the article on the winners I was pleased to see that so many of the girls focussed on projects that deal with issues of health and quality of life. Probably my own prejudice speaking now, but in the past it seemed that the winners were all busy building robots. Not that there's anything wrong with that!
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