Thread: Pain in my feet
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Old 11-30-2007, 08:29 AM   #15
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Calcification in shoulder

My PCP called yesterday and left this message on my answering machine,"Your feet look fine. We can try anti-inflammitory drugs or send you to a podiatrist. As for your shoulder, there is an area of calcification and they are recommending an MRI. Call me back if you have any questions." Well, of course I have questions. Was she kidding? So I called the office back, they said they would give the message to her, but she never called back.
So, to make a long story short, I am worried sick that this is cancer in my shoulder bones. It is the same side that the BC was on and where they took out the lymph nodes.
I am going to call my onc. this morning and tell her what is going on.
I am hopeful this is nothing, but it is a real surprise to me.
Will let you all know what is decided.
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