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Old 11-20-2007, 07:41 AM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 5
please help, Lung mets and scared

Hi there
Im writing to seek help for my mum.
She is 53 years old and has her2+ that has spread to her lungs.

She was dx in December 06 she had a masectomy and Chemo. She finished Chemo in May 07.

In September 07 she started having breathing troubles, she was told she had pnemonia and was treated for that with no luck.

She was hospitalized for breathing problems and was discovered that she has lung mets and pleural effusion.
She has been in the hospital for a month, she is currently in ICU and has been on a ventilator for 17 days.
She is getting Herceptin, Gemzar (sp) and another drug I can not remember she got all 3 drugs on 11/3 Gemzar on 11/10 and she is scheduled to get all 3 in a double dose on 11/24.

She was doing better was able to breathe on her own for a few hours until last night, when she got a fever, she has a yeast infection that has spread throught out her body.

The Dr's are not being postive at all, we and she are not ready to give up yet. We were told in the begining that we would need at least 4-6 weeks to see if this form of Chemo would help, it has not been that long.If not we were told we could try tyker (sp).
We are meeting with the Dr's tomorrow I spoke with the oncologist today and he said she is to weak to get chemo, that he now only gives her a 10% chance of survial. He will still give her chemo if that is what we want but feels that it will kill her.

We are not giving up, she does need to have the vent removed and she will get a trach, we are hoping and praying something will work. Has anyone been where we are??? Can anyone offer any advice???
Please help if you can we are DESPERATE!!!!

thanks so much
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