Thread: Up Late Again
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Old 11-16-2007, 05:47 PM   #13
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Thank you everyone for your kind words and advise. I finished chemo today and she even added on Herceptin. I did get 5 mg of decadron and it seems to have really helped with the naseau. I feel better this afternoon and actually feel like I can eat a little something. I would like to alternate my nauseau medicine but the Phenergan makes me a little sleepy. Zofran is what I take during the day. Maybe I can try that on a day I don't have anything to do.

Brenda, I rememebered your advice not to take folic acid or any vitamins with folic acid in it. I am surprised I remembered, because my memory has been so bad.

I use Biotene toothpaste and it has made it hard for me to use anything else, because it burns my mouth. I think baking soda might be a good option.

Believe, I am so sorry that that xeloda and tykerb did not work for Ed, I know you have said before, but the radiation made me doubly forgetful, that treatment is he taking know? I hope it goes well. I continue to pray for both of you and I believe it is your mother that is sick also. You are all in my prayers.

Again, I am so happy to have this group behind me. Thanks for the advice and support. I keep you in my prayers and and am sending healing hugs to everyone.
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