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Old 11-08-2007, 08:33 AM   #6
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Vitamin D deficiency - osteoporosis vs. pain

Hi all,

This possible link between AI use and vitamin D deficiency is interesting. I think that the original article/research was about deficiency being associated with more bone loss while on an AI. But I've also heard of women who had significant improvement in their "musculoskeletal" pain, another side effect of AI's, when they took a Vitamin D supplement. On the other hand, I've never heard that the musculoskeletalpain side effect has any connection to the bone loss one. There may be lots of interconnected things going on?

So the question - did anyone begin Vitamin D supplementation and notice an improvement in the AI achiness and stiffness?

And another question - if you've been on an AI long enough to have bone density measured before and after/during - compare your degree of bone loss (if any) to your level of musculoskeletal pain, please.

I'll start: Moderate pain during AI use, no significant bone loss (I'm overweight, physically active, strong family hx for osteoporosis). No experience with Vitamin D supplementation while taking the AI. Celebrex and yoga helped.

Debbie Laxague
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