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Old 11-06-2007, 02:32 PM   #20
Posts: n/a
You don't want to keep olive oil in the refrigerator, and it can go rancid like any other oil when kept out for too long. It's best when kept in dark; after it loses its green color you should consider buying a new bottle. Generally, people who use lots of olive oil, which is great for you in so many ways, go through a bottle every two weeks, so it never gets a chance to go bad. My favorite recipe for olive oil (oil should be the best you can buy), is to toast bread, such as a peasant bread, rub with cut garlic clove (Spanish touch), pierce the bread with a fork, and spread olive oil on top and eat. This is served in many Italian restaurants as a appetizer and if the oil is particularly good, it may be one of the more expensive appetizers on the menu. Just thinking of it has me salivating.

Another wonderful way to use olive oil is to put a teaspoon or more on top of soup. And, of course, use it on salads. My husband only uses olive oil as a dressing, not even a touch of vinegar.
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