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Old 11-06-2007, 03:12 AM   #14
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Complicated as usual.

I posted a response to this and must have forgotten to hit the post button.

I went and found what I think was the trial. It was in the lab on cells and using pure GLA and not Borage or Evening Primrose etc.

Long chain fats you eat have to get through the gut into the lymphatic system, into the blood supply and past all the other processes that might want them.

So digestion is very important.

GLA is a child of the mother omega six LA linolenic acid. The body can make GLA from LA. That is assuming your conversion pathways are not blocked.

IF your conversion pathways are blocked you likely will not be making the other long chain fats either - that includes the omega threes EPA and DHA. Some do have severe conversion problems. Many have reduced conversion - Sugar, excess omega six etc., and some mineral deficiencies block conversion.

Also GLA comes with lots of omega six, some less than others -Borage and Blackcurrant have a better GLA to LA ratio than evening primrose - check the labels.

GLA works thorough gene expression and via DGLA and COX1 enzymes which produce less inflammatory chemicals than COX2. COX1 products are necessary to all sort of functions stomach maintenance etc.

GLA is converted into DGLA which is the basis of the COX1 pathways BUT DGLA is also converted into AA which is the basis of the COX2 pathway. (see Greek Diet post and COX2 posts).

So moderation and caution is required, and you need to consider your GLA supplement, and its omega six content as part of your intake in balancing the omega threes and sixes. GLA is made in normal circumstances from LA, but there may be benifits for those who cant make it / dont make enough.

There may well be other benefits from cold pressed oils as fats in plants come with antioxidants to protect them.

IF it were a choice between a GLA oil and fish oil I would go for fish oil every time - for me you should worry about your omega three six balance and ensuring a supple of the long chain omega threes as a priority, and then think about maybe adding a little GLA within your omega six intake.

As usual please mention dietary change and supplements to your medical advisor.

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